Increase occupancy rates and revenue with effective marketing and OTA management strategies. Discover the secrets to optimizing room sales revenue for hotels!
Increase occupancy rates and revenue with effective marketing and OTA management strategies. Discover the secrets to optimizing room sales revenue for hotels!
Leading operation and ticket system for amusement park business models
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Optimal operation
ezTicket - Ticketing and amusement park management system that fully meets the operational management needs of both small and large amusement parks, with comprehensive features ranging from defining pricing policies to customer segment-based pricing packages, and time-based optimization of distribution policies
ezPos - Restaurant management solution that caters to flexible requirements for pricing policies, discounts, and menu customization based on each branch. It integrates with Front Desk services and enables revenue tracking by individual selling points
ezBac - Integrated Warehouse/Purchasing Management system that synchronizes the entire process, from purchase proposals and order approvals to inventory management, quantity estimation, and pricing for each product and finished goods
ezBi - Management reporting suite for amusement parks, providing multi-dimensional information to facilitate timely adjustments of policies and pricing strategies across various channels and markets in a flexible manner
ezCmt - A secure and efficient QRCode ticket management solution that ensures safety, security, and prevents losses
Manage sales channels based on sales reports, ticket volume, outstanding debts, and customer behavior
Completely eliminate the costs associated with traditional ticket delivery by having a ticketing system ready for issuance upon customer payment
24/7 online ticketing tool that is easily integrated with various sales channels such as websites/apps, Facebook pages, Zalo, etc
Flexible application of convenient payment methods
ezInvoice - A gateway connecting with all invoice providers in the market, meeting the requirements for issuing sales invoices immediately after service delivery completion, and allowing flexible merging and splitting of VAT invoices
Own a professional amusement park website, integrated with ezBt (Booking Engine for Ticketing) similar to ticket booking at the counter, helping minimize waiting time and optimize customer experience
Support ticket booking and direct payment on the website
Bi-directional synchronization of booking data and room availability helps facilitate system management