Increase occupancy rates and revenue with effective marketing and OTA management strategies. Discover the secrets to optimizing room sales revenue for hotels!
Increase occupancy rates and revenue with effective marketing and OTA management strategies. Discover the secrets to optimizing room sales revenue for hotels!
ezPos - A restaurant management solution that meets requirements for flexible pricing policies, discounts, and menu items at each point of sales. It connects with Front Desk services and allows separating revenue generated at each point of sales
ezBac is a system that streamlines the process of stock and purchase management, including purchasing orders, order approvals, inventory management, quantity estimation, pricing and semi finished products
With ezInvoice you can effortlessly connect with all invoice providers to issue invoices after service delivery. It also allows for merging and splitting of VAT invoices as needed
ezBi is a Golf Management Reporting Suite that offers multi-dimensional insights for managers to make timely adjustment for each pricing policy, market and channel
ezWeb - Website design service: Own a professional hotel website with SEO standard and responsive display on all devices, including computers, tablets and mobile phones
Boost your golf course revenue by 23% with ezBo - teetime booking tool. Easily integrate it into your golf courses website and fanpage to streamline the booking process.
ezPayment: Payment gateway Integration solution supporting multiple payment method such as Visa, Mastercard, Local Cards, E wallets QR codes,... to bring a hassle-free booking experience hassle to your guest.