Báo vnexpress.net: 35 dự án khởi nghiệp Việt thành công nhờ được tiếp sức

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In order to bring technology products to the market, in addition to the capital also need to operate the business skills, finishing products to meet the practical needs.

On 6 July, in Hanoi, the second phase of the Vietnam-Finland Innovation Partnership Program (IPP2) – The Development Cooperation Program between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Ministry of Science and Technology After four years of operation. Many startups have shared their way to success.
Dang Thanh Trung, co-founder of ezCloud, said that from 2013, ezCloud was founded by six people with the ambition of bringing technology products into management software for restaurants and hotels based on computer technology. cloud.
There are ideas, the survey clearly needs market prospects, techniques can meet but ezCloud many difficulties. Not only lacking money, ezCloud does not know the necessary steps of a technology product to market.
Casually known IPP2 project, ezCloud proposed and receive support 30,000 Euros. According to Trung, this is a big money for a six-startup, but the reality is that ezCloud gets bigger than money. It is a team of experts, mentors help startup this understanding of a product to the market, what steps need. How to complete the product to meet the user requirements.
From the product only a few simple features, no office, after ezCloud has developed a complete product, build a business plan. EzCloud has offices in Hanoi, Sai Gon, Nha Trang, Da Nang and Singapore and now has 80 employees. “he shared.

Dang Thanh Trung shared the development of cloud-based technology

Also receiving support from IPP2, Dr. Do Hoang Tung and research team have the opportunity to develop cold plasma technology products.
Dr. Tung said that the technology Plasma cold he was started in 2013 but the original product is “banana”. Even though the Plasma cooler is stable, the form of the bad device is only in the laboratory. From 2015, the research team will receive funding from IPP2. In addition to the money, the group was sent to Thailand to learn how to develop technology products in the health sector.
“These steps have been ignored by the Ministry of Health, which has now been licensed and commercialized by the Ministry of Health, making Vietnam the first country in the world to successfully apply technology. Cold plasmas help treat the incision of the patient less painful, not infected, “said Dr. Tung.
According to him, with young startups, money is only a factor. To make the technology product market is the business operation skills, the way to product meet the actual needs …
IPP2 is a pilot program of using ODA loans pioneered in Vietnam in support of policy formulation, training and capacity building, and support for innovative start-ups. With € 11 million implemented from 2014 to 2018, IPP2 has provided financial and advisory support, training for 35 start-up projects, development of ecosystems for start-ups, Creative start-up.

Finnish Ambassador Kari Kahiluoto (left) and Minister Chu Ngoc Anh (second from left) visit some outstanding results of IPP2.

According to Chu Ngoc Anh, the success of entrepreneurial start-ups and support for IPP2-initiated business ecosystems has affirmed the prestige and position of the brightest products and services. made in Vietnam in the domestic market and in the world. This demonstrates the relevance of the new models, pioneering IPP2 innovative innovation support for Vietnam.
He also said that lessons learned and models were developed that could help organizations and localities to research and apply in their creative start-up activities.
Over the past time, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other ministries to complete the legal corridor and the necessary mechanisms and policies to support activities and investment for start-up. Many innovative and innovative programs and projects at the central and local levels have been launched to promote incubation, training and start-up, technology commercialization, funding and capital support. Loans for businesses.
The project to support the innovative national eco-innovation system by 2025 will determine to support the development of 2,000 innovative projects and 600 innovative enterprises.
Source: https://vnexpress.net/tin-tuc/khoa-hoc/trong-nuoc/35-du-an-khoi-nghiep-viet-thanh-cong-nho-duoc-tiep-suc-3774102.html

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