Increase occupancy rates and revenue with effective marketing and OTA management strategies. Discover the secrets to optimizing room sales revenue for hotels!
Increase occupancy rates and revenue with effective marketing and OTA management strategies. Discover the secrets to optimizing room sales revenue for hotels!
ezBe - Online Room Selling Tool for Hotels/Agencies
The ezBe online booking tool transforms your website/Fanpage into the most effective sales channel and reduces reliance on OTAs (Online Travel Agencies)
Approaching billions of customers through Google Hotels
Minimizing advertising costs: ezBe connects directly with Google Hotels, allowing customers to receive completely organic search results without spending excessive advertising costs.
Increasing direct bookings: With billions of users, Google Hotels will help hotels generate natural booking inquiries through search displays.
Supporting visibility on Google Maps: You can register for free visibility on Google Maps, making it easy for travelers to find and proactively book accommodations.
Increasing website traffic: Being featured in search results will drive proactive customer engagement, eliminating the need for online advertising methods.
Simple management & synchronization with the ezCloud ecosystem
ezBe is integrated and synchronized with the entire ezCloud ecosystem, including the 3-5 star hotel software ezFolio, the 0-2 star hotel software ezCloudhotel, the ezCms Leo distribution channel system, the ezRms revenue optimization system, and the centralized payment gateway ezPayment.
Accepts various types of cards: ATM, VISA, Mastercard, JCB, etc.
Supports cash payment transactions
Allows for installment payments
ezBe - Online Room Booking Tool for Hotels/Agents
ezBe is an online room booking tool that transforms your website or fan page into the most effective sales channel. It reduces dependence on OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) and helps streamline the booking process