ezCloud nhận tài trợ 120.000$ từ Microsoft


As one of the 15 best startups in Asia in 2015, ezCloud has received investments worth 120,000 over a period of 12 months with $ 10,000 / month for server systems Microsoft Azure Cloud.

BizSpark is a global program of Microsoft to help and facilitate business start-up software (referred to as start-up) rapid development and success. Officially launched in November 2008, as of now, Microsoft’s BizSpark attracted about 15,000 start-ups around the world. Participate in the program, have the opportunity to use startup software free of copyright, the opportunity to receive technical support, training and opportunities to promote the company’s image extensively.

Join BizSpark from May 07/2014, ezCloud is a startup company is appreciated in the community of Young Global enterprise organizations by Microsoft BizSpark. By becoming one of the 15 best startup in Asia in 2015, ezCloud continue to become a member of the BizSpark Plus and enjoy a full range of benefits such as:

  • Up to $10,000 per month, that’s $120K of FREE Azure cloud services for 1 year.
  • Access to free software and tools such as Visual Studio and Office
  • Get the right support for your startup
  • Access to hundreds of training courses
  • Be part of a community of startups and technical advisors
  • Connect with enterprise customers

By becoming a member of the Microsoft BizSpark Plus ezCloud and help our customers use, experience the cloud storage service provided by Microsoft.

Read more: ezCloudhotel Hotel management Software using Cloud Computing

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