Báo tuổi trẻ: ezCloud giải pháp công nghệ đưa Việt Nam ra thế giới


Desiring to effectively exploit the potential of Vietnam’s tourism industry, ezCloud’s general director Nguyen Hoang Duong and his colleagues have written the ezCloudhotel software to provide hotel managers with small and effective management tools. , helping them compete with large hotels with foreign capital. EzCloud has provided services to more than 1,000 hotels in five countries including Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar.

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After many years of work, often abroad to implement the project, Mr. Yang sees the potential development of the tourism industry in Vietnam is very large. Compared with some countries in the region, Vietnam is more beautiful but we do not know how to exploit effectively. When researching the market, he saw the application of science and technology in the small and early hotel segment. Some 4, 5-star hotels have strong management tools so they organize sales, exploit a large number of visitors from many sources in the world. They know this season is selling products, with each problem they have the right support tools. Small hotels without such tools should perform poorly. From there, he came up with the idea of building a company providing services for the tourism industry. His desire is to provide solutions similar to 4, 5-star hotel but at a price that affordable hotels can afford. ezCloud was born on that basis.

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Mr. Nguyen Hoang Duong – General Director of ezCloud

“When we surveyed, we found that small and medium hotels have a need to use technology applications but they do not think that Vietnam has a product that meets that requirement. Therefore, they mainly find and use support tools from abroad with high prices. At the same time, they are not well supported in peak times. Knowing ezCloud, they are very supportive. ezCloud provides all infrastructure such as sales management, commissioning, marketing, customer care. We advise customers that this season should sell on any channel, trends this month to which area more visitors. In addition, we support the connection with more than 200 partners around the world to help sell more effectively. Previously, only 4, 5-star hotels have the opportunity to use such technology solutions, but now we provide the same solution is only cheap one-fourth of foreign solutions.
ezCloud uses cloud computing technology to help users easily upgrade and minimize investment costs. The system allows to set up the room parameters quickly, conveniently and easily in the booking process. Hotel owners do not need to invest in infrastructure, just have an internet connection. The hotel can connect magnetic key, power system, IPTV system easily with just a few “clicks”.
In addition, the application helps to control the room, the room manager to know what room is empty, which room needs to be cleaned, avoid losing the sympathy of customers with the hotel.
Not just a hotel, the software also allows hotel chain management. Hotel owners can set the unlimited number of users to manage the hotel.
“We provide the user with a comprehensive report on the day to day activities of the hotel. They will know what to do to increase revenue for the hotel from our reports, “Duong added.
To help owners manage their hotel operations and find the maximum revenue stream, ezCloud is providing customers with two hotel management software ezFolio and ezCloudhotel. Specifically, ezFolio is designed for the hotel segment of 3 to 5 stars and ezCloudhotel software suitable for hotels with less than 3 stars.
Founded in 2013, ezCloud has provided services to more than 1,000 hotels in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar. With a staff of 70 people, ezCloud has achieved 300% growth over the last 3 years, bringing revenue of 12 billion VND / year.

Demonstrate capacity for product quality

To achieve the present success, Duong and his colleagues have spent a lot of hard work. They did not have an office, they worked at a coffee shop, did not receive pay and lived on income from other sources for nearly two years.
“When it was first set up, the company was very messy. We have no knowledge of technology, no knowledge of corporate governance, finance or human resources, so we have to study continuously and have to hire a tax accounting unit. Fortunately, in the first four years, the entrepreneurial start-up is not taxable. “
Source: https://tuoitrethudo.com.vn/bai-113-ezcloud-giai-phap-cong-nghe-dua-viet-nam-ra-the-gioi-n2040703.html

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