2 Lưu ý quan trọng khi bắt đầu đưa Internet Marketing vào khách sạn


For your hotel is known to customers, you need to have an internet marketing plan accordingly, if you think the complex marketing planning and trouble, let's focus on the focus. No need to complicate matters. Let's start from the simple and step by step.


Start a good website

What makes a good website? Simplicity. You do not need to cram everything possible into the website, especially on the home page. Home property might need a warm welcome, with a friendly simple menu. Do not make customers annoyed with a homepage fragmented, difficult to read.

Keep only the most important information within 1-2 clicks. What information is important:

– Rooms

– Room Rates

-Home Equipment and services

-How Booking

-How Contact

Customers come to your website to find information about the rooms, prices and availability. They will not pay much attention to restaurants, attractions, activities, or use the internet very intuitive tours.Nguoi, description of rooms as well, but need to add a photo. You can also think of a simple video to present information. If you use images and graphics, not too much. Provide sufficient in number and size no larger than the browser to load faster.

Do not despise the booking page. After the study period hotel, customers do not want to see a booking engine applications harder to use.

Do not forget to ask the company to make your website design a mobile version of website.

Join social media

Before embarking on jungle of social media, stop and focus. There are too many choices, and very susceptible to psychological "as much as possible". Will not be long before you realize that trying to establish and maintain a presence on all the social media channels are ineffective, if not exhausted.

Do not just set up an account and forget it done. The following ways to help maximize your presence on social media:

– Post regularly, but do not spam

– Related: Q & A, perform the contest, launched the promotion for the fans, announced the event. Do not post content multiple times.

– Communicate on Twitter may be somewhat difficult, but can be done by utilizing the reply form (@username) and tag #.

– Link, link, link! That's the way to cross-link to your website, blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

 Read more ezFolio Hotel Management Software

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