Outstanding trend about website design this year is the trend transition to the visual interface. Recently, website design strategic is still the thumbnail image and the trailer by document. But many big brands have changed the design in a new direction more intuitive.
Presented by video
Things you easily see on most of hotel website design is banner image, slider combination with introductions according to text format. But this trend is not new and does not create the unique for hotel. Some hotels have started posting videos about the hotel, because videos always create the uniqueness for viewers.
Design own blog
Many marketing experts will be uncomfortable with splitting the audience with two websites (official website and own blog). However, if they are managed well, this two websites will complement each other great. A blog with your own domain name will be a social media environment.
Website design with visual image trend
When have you updated the hotel images the last time? The most dynamic hotel regularly update their visual images, but do not need by these expensive professional images. There are many ways to use social media and images from partners to create exciting web experience, thereby attracting potential customers to the hotel website and back to the hotel website.
See more: Web design software