Chưa được phân loại

Lịch sử giao dịch

All information of guests who have made bookings in ezHotel will be saved, making it easy for hotel managers to check reservation list during a

Thanh toán trực tuyến

Online payment feature after booking helps customers make payment via bank card of international payment system, which saves time and more convenient.

Đồng bộ với phần mềm khách sạn

Synchronization with the hotel website and property management software ezFolio, the booking engine provides complete freedom while customizing it according to your needs.

Gửi mail xác nhận đặt phòng

After bookings are made, the system will quickly send confirmation email not only to  customer but also to  manager, sales staff and receptionists.

Tin tức và quản trị tin tức

The news about hotel’s activities, recruitment, consulting and so on will be posted in hotel’s website. This will help customers understand hotel’s information and operational

Đặt phòng nhanh chóng

You as a guest  can choose arrival date, departure date, number of people staying and check  availability. Then enter information and reserve your stay. Email

Tích hợp với nhiều hệ thống

Integrating with other systems such as restaurant management, Pro shop… on an overall and highly administrative uninterrupted system chain for administrators.

Cung cấp báo cáo

Full reporting system. Access permission according to user’s role.

Phân quyền sử dụng

Privilege to user according to function and domain (reception, caddy management, hotel…)

Chức năng quản trị hệ thống

Power is divided according to user’s duties and functions. Noting diary all user’s manipulations in system. Supporting backup and restore data.

Quản lý Tee-time

Managing Tee-time easier and helping receptionist can quickly manipulate when interacting with customers.

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