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Chuỗi khách sạn A&Em

This is the Biggest private hotel chain in Hochiminh City with about 20 hotels, restaurants-bars and Massage Parlours in  1st District. In order to optimize

Giới thiệu khách sạn

Presenting the information about the company, workfield, organizational structure, membership unit… Providing the necessary information about the hotel/ resort and the detail about hotel including

Thư viện ảnh khách sạn

Displaying beautiful images of companies, enterprises and other relevant images by Slide. The clear and smart display makes company more luxuryious and professional.

Hệ thống quản trị

The administration system is simple and customizable so it’s easy for the hotel to set room quantity, price and close or open  rooms every day.

Đặt phòng khách sạn

This feature helps customers book quickly and then it immediately sends the information to the sales department of the hotel. Booking feature includes the information

Tìm kiếm & kiểm tra phòng

Permitting integrated searching information and checking room feature helps hoteliers to search and choose the type of room required; Checking a number of entire rooms

Hỗ trợ chức năng đóng phòng

When you offer promotion and discount, ezHotel can support you to stop selling. You can stop receiving reservations in your website during a desired period

Lịch sử giao dịch

All information of guests who have made bookings in ezHotel will be saved, making it easy for hotel managers to check reservation list during a

Thanh toán trực tuyến

Online payment feature after booking helps customers make payment via bank card of international payment system, which saves time and more convenient.

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